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Accueil > États-Unis > Animaux > A vendre > BEAUTIFUL Dwarf Male and Female Fawn

BEAUTIFUL Dwarf Male and Female Fawn

ANNONCE N°:53244 - Modifié par claudia le 03 Dec 2022 at 17:39
BEAUTIFUL Dwarf Male and Female Fawn
- € États-Unis - États-Unis

Small female and male dwarf spitz born on 05/11/2019 from a litter of 03 puppies they are microchipped and vaccinated, are provided with a certificate of good health, a complete puppy kit Additional info: Mother id number ( tattoo or flea): 250268501446292 SIRET: 41861312100015 Scope code: LOF-2019015320-2019-1.
Contact me for more information no serious person to abstain

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